little lessons (A Picture Book)
about 6 inches by 5 inches
mixed media

wish tree
1.5 feet by 1-ish feet
tree branches, printer paper, thread and glue

a few of my favorite friends' wishes
printer paper, Sears Roebuck catalog, cardboard, hemp and wishes

a few of my favorite friends' wishes (opened)
printer paper, Sears Roebuck catalog, cardboard, hemp and wishes

a few of my favorite friends' wishes (detail)
printer paper, Sears Roebuck catalog, cardboard, hemp and wishes

paper stapler (a study in craft)
the exact measurements of my real usable stapler
drawing paper, printer paper and bristol

paper stapler detail
the exact measurements of my real usable stapler
drawing paper, printer paper and bristol

24 hour drawing
6.5 feet by 7 feet
multi media

24 inches by 18 inches
charcoal subtractive drawing

drawing music
6 feet by 3.5 feet
mixed media (including paint, markers, bbq sauce)

drawing music detail
6 feet by 3.5 feet
marker and bbq sauce (in this detail)

back bay fens landscape
4 feet by 3 feet

Non-Figurative Self-Portrait
Huggable Size

Elephant Mask
human sized
paper mache