Once back in California, I started an internship at Children's Creativity Museum. Highlights there were the great people and I hope to continue volunteering there. I just finished up making a new huge storybook for the early childhood program, Early Birdles (see the picture below). In the program, the leader tells a story that they make up on the spot based on pictures stuck in the big book. The current one is made of cardboard and felt with velcro pictures, the book I just made features two magnetic whiteboards. The kids will put magnets up now and the leader can choose to add drawn pictures and symbols to enhance the story.
After Iceland, it took me a little time, but I got myself back into doing some artwork, mainly sketchbook work, but also a few paintings.
Now, I am beginning to face the idea of my senior thesis because I had a crazy brainstorm and I might just run with it. On top of that I am working on offering portrait and greeting card services. More soon!