Basically, I left this chair alone. I took its friend/partner away. And this person, aka chair, at some point says to itself, "I don't deserve it." Either they're too good or not good enough, which you can decide for yourself, is that glass half-empty or half-full? Usually when I am talking to myself like this, the glass is half-empty. Oh, how that self-doubt sneaks in!
This half-empty and loneliness of his friend being away, is emphasized by the wonky horizon. The angled horizon line indicates a floor sliding down towards the chair as if the world is off, topsy turvy. This repeating motif of wonky horizons in my work is inspired by Cezanne’s still lives that had uneven horizon lines that he explained were how he perceived the things in front of him. While working on still lives, even while measuring carefully, I find objects and lines sometimes just don’t line up quite right, especially since your head, eyes, and body may have moved. So each drawing, the world really, is a piecing together of different view points coming together.
To sum up this piece, someone once asked me what this piece was all about and I tried to explain it, babbling about Cezanne, and in the end exclaimed, "Sometimes I am just angsty!"
I don't deserve it.
12 x 9 x 1.5 inches
Acrylic paint on wood panel with paper tag
The gesso round
12 x 9 x 1.5 inches
Acrylic paint on wood panel
The first round
12 x 9 x 1.5 inches
Acrylic paint on wood panel